Registered Limousin Breeding Stock for Sale
Registered Limousin Breeding Stock for Sale
Kuda Limousin Ranch is a family cattle operation ran by Bruce and Gina Kuda. Married in 1993, had two boys, and resides in Russellville, Missouri. They are first-generation cattle ranchers. Bruce is an engineer. Gina worked as a veterinarian technician before becoming a full-time cattle rancher. Fast forward 30+ years, Kuda Limousin Ranch provides genetically proven cattle specializing in bulls and replacement heifers.
Gina fell in love with the Limousin breed because of their muscling and docility. The Limouisn herd began with two registered bred Limousin cows. In order to speed up their genetic goals, Gina completed AI (artificial insemination) School taught at Cattle Visions located in Clark, Missouri. Our cattle are registered Black and Polled Limousin; focusing on calving ease, impressive growth, fertility, milk, docility, and longevity. Providing registered Limousin cattle that will continue to excel for our clients whether in the show ring and/or in performance is the overall mission. A “complete” bovine.
Kuda Limousin Ranch is BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) Certified, registered NALF (North American Limousin Foundation), members of MLBA (Missouri Limousin Breeders Association), members of Missouri Cattlemen Association, and participate in the Show-Me-Select program.
RCLL Little's Kaden 55K
100% Purebred Limousin
Homo Black Homo Polled
TASF Crown Royal 960C ET x Little's Diva 6C. We started adding a little of this powerhouse in our herd. We will be seeing his calves this fall. He is thick with tremendous growth, long, and his heifers should milk. Mixing performance with some style in this package.
RCLL Little's Galena 256G
100% Purebred Limousin
Homo Black Homo Polled
Auto Dollar General 122R x CJSL X-Cell 0356X
A great sire in our arsenal. He is the best kept secret! His calves are small, but WOW do they grow! Look at his EPDs! In the top 2% for calving ease, Top 10% for weaning weight and yearling weight, Top 20% for milk. He is a "complete bull". Of course, we have added his genetics to
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